The History of the Indian Tribes of North America

The History of the Indian Tribes of North America

Rare three-volume set

A copy of The History of the Indian Tribes of North America—a seminal collection of Native American biographies and lithograph portraits published in Philadelphia between 1837 and 1844—will be up for auction at Chiswick Auctions this month. This rare three-volume set, featuring 120 hand-coloured lithographic plates, is expected to fetch between £16,000 and £18,000 during the sale of Books and Works on Paper on 22nd August.

McKenney (Thomas L.) & Hall (James) History of the Indian Tribes of North America, First Edition

McKenney (Thomas L.) & Hall (James) History of the Indian Tribes of North America, First Edition
Estimate £16,000 - £18,000

The creation of The History of the Indian Tribes of North America was spearheaded by Thomas McKenney (1785-1859), a US official who served as Superintendent of Indian Affairs from 1824 to 1830. McKenney, recognising the existential threat faced by Native American tribes due to the westward expansion of the United States, was determined to preserve the cultural heritage and history of the indigenous peoples. His goal was to safeguard "in the archives of the Government whatever of the aboriginal man can be rescued from the destruction which awaits his race." McKenney believed that Native Americans should be "looked upon as human beings, having bodies and souls like ours."

To bring his vision to life, McKenney enlisted the American artist Charles Bird King to paint the portraits of Native American leaders and other prominent figures from life between 1821 and 1837. These portraits formed the basis for the lithographs in the volumes. Additionally, McKenney collaborated with James Hall (1793–1868), a judge and Treasurer of the State of Illinois, who conducted extensive research and authored the biographical sketches that accompanied each portrait.

Despite the significance of the project, it was not a financial success. The subscription price of $120 for the complete set was insufficient to cover the production costs, and the project struggled to gain the financial backing it needed. However, the volumes themselves have endured as an invaluable historical record. The importance of these lithographs was tragically underscored when, on 24th January 1865, a fire at the Smithsonian Institution destroyed 295 of the original 300 portraits by Charles Bird King. The lithographs in The History of the Indian Tribes of North America remain as some of the only surviving visual documentation of these individuals.

This upcoming auction presents a unique opportunity for collectors, historians, and bibliophiles to acquire a piece of this significant historical work. The set not only offers a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of Native American tribes but also reflects the efforts of those who sought to document and preserve their legacy in the face of profound change and adversity.


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