A unique collection of Augustus John drawings, consigned by the family of Dame Elizabeth Taylor, are among the highlights of the forthcoming 28th September sale.
The Taylor family enjoyed a long association with Augustus John, with Dame Elizabeth’s father Francis acting as John’s American agent for many years.
According to Christopher Wilding, Dame Elizabeth’s son, who is handling the sale:
“There are 44 drawings, and all were torn up into 4 to 6 pieces by the artist in a ‘fit of madness’, and subsequently rescued”. In a handwritten letter of apology written in 1939, John confirmed that Francis ‘has pieced them all together again!’. The 44 professionally conserved drawings include various female nude studies and portraits. Estimates range from £200 to £800.
Other notable entries include an original 1968 signed copy of Andy Warhol’s celebrated ‘Campbell’s Tomato Soup’ No 1, found during a house call in Earl’s Court (Est £6000 to £8000), and a witty Marcel Brunery oil on canvas titled “The Cardinal Enjoys a Cigar” (Est £15,000 to £20,000). For more photographs please look at the website under 'September Preview'.