Our three main specialist auctions per year feature an exciting and varied selection of artworks dating from the 7th century to the first half of the 20th century, covering a broad geographic area from the Mediterranean shores through to Southeast Asia and China. The works of art we offer to the market include manuscripts, ceramics, metalwork, works on paper, textiles, arms and armour, glass, jewellery, lacquer, and furniture and they aim to showcase the rich cultural heritage of these foreign lands, especially Iran and the Indian Subcontinent.
Our specialists work closely with vendors and have hosted several successful single owner sales of items of great quality and value, which have often been ‘white glove’ auctions with percentages of 100% sold by lot.
Notable items from these sales and others include: a large, engraved Indian brass celestial globe with Buraq and views of Islamic holy cities, dated 1252 AH (1836-37 AD), sold for £21,250; an Iznik pottery dish with saz leaf design, Ottoman Turkey, circa 1580-1600, sold for £5,000; a Safavid Cuerda Seca figural tile, Iran, 17th century, sold for £25,000; and a pair of portraits of a female Qajar beauty and a courtly musician, Qajar Iran, first half of the 19th century, sold for £10,000.
MESAA - Middle East, South Asia and Africa
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