Price and date
Autographs & Memorabilia (3)
Books & Manuscripts (162)
Photography (3)
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Lot 1 - Ackermann (Rudolph) The History of Eton...
Sold for £130
Includes Buyer's Premium
Lot 2 - Adams (Richard) Watership Down, FIRST EDITION,...
Sold for £1,100
Lot 3 - Amsinck (Paul) Tunbridge Wells and its...
Sold for £30
Lot 4 - Archaeology.- Egypt Hasan (Beni) Griffith (F....
Sold for £100
Lot 5 - Architecture. - Blondel (J.F.) Planches pour...
Sold for £190
Lot 6 - Architecture.- Interiors Daly (César) Motifs...
Lot 7 - Archival Documents A collection of French...
Sold for £50
Lot 8 - Art & Design.- Les Femmes de Tous les Pays,...
Sold for £120
Lot 9 - Art & Picturesque.- Bowles (John) Several...
Sold for £320
Lot 10 - Auden (W. H.) & Kallman (Chester) The Rake’s...
Lot 11 - Auden (W.H.) Our Hunting Fathers, FIRS...
Sold for £700
Lot 12 - B. (L.) Album de Decorations D’Interieurs…, 15...
Estimated at £300 - £400
Lot 13 - Barrie (J. M.) & Attwell (Mabel Lucie,...
Sold for £220
Lot 14 - Barrie (J.M.) Peter Pan and Wendy, FIRST...
Sold for £160
Lot 15 - Barrie (J.M.) &Thomson (Hugh) Quality Street,...
Sold for £125
Lot 16 - Bartolozzi (Francesco) Genius Calling Forth...
Lot 17 - Bellori (Pietro, Giovanni) Veteres Arcus...
Sold for £180
Lot 18 - Beze (Theodore de) Poemata varia, woodcut...
Lot 19 - Bibles, English The Book of Common Prayer,...
Estimated at £150 - £200
Lot 19A - Bible, Welsh Y Bibl Cyssegr-lan; sef, yr Hen...
Sold for £1,000
Lot 20 - Bibliography.- Alchemy Macphail (Ian) Alchemy...
Sold for £95
Lot 21 - Bibliography.- Americana Stillwell (M....
Lot 22 - Bibliography.- [Ashbee (Henry Spencer)]...
Lot 23 - Bibliography - Atlases & Maps Koeman (C.)...
Sold for £340
Lot 24 - Bibliography.- Authors. Wise (Thomas James) A...
Sold for £360
Lot 25 - Bibliography.- Bindings Quaritch (Bernard) A...
Sold for £250
Lot 26 - Bibliography.- Clarke (William) Repertorium...
Sold for £90
Lot 27 - Bibliography.- Collections Munby (A.N.L.)...
Lot 28 - Bibliography.- Economics & Law The Kress...
Estimated at £100 - £150
Lot 29 - Bibliography.- English Literature Greg (W.W.)...
Sold for £150
Lot 30 - Bibliography.- Fine Decorative Arts &...
Sold for £170
Lot 31 - Bibliography.- Gastronomy Bitting (Katherine...
Sold for £110
Lot 32 - Bibliography.- Manuscripts, Incunabula and...
Sold for £240
Lot 33 - Bibliography.- Militaria & Sport A Collection...
Lot 34 - Bibliography.- Private Press Brooks (H.C.) &...
Lot 35 - Bibliography.- Science, Natural History,...
Lot 36 - Bibliography.- Travel Ferguson (John...
Lot 37 - Bibliography.- History of Printing Bridges...
Lot 38 - Bibliography.- Typography Timperley (C.H.)...
Lot 39 - Bindings.- Herbert (William) Helga. A Poem in...
Sold for £1,250
Lot 40 - Bindings.- Vida (Marco Girolamo) Poematum, quæ...
Sold for £420
Lot 41 - Blunt (Wilfrid Scawen) Secret History of the...
Estimated at £200 - £300
Lot 42 - Boscovich (Roger Joseph)...
Sold for £1,600
Lot 43 - ***WITHDRAWN*** Botany.- [Darwin (Erasmus)]...
Lot 44 - Botany.- Hull (John) The British Flora or a...
Lot 45 - Botany. - Marnock (Robert) The Floricultural...
Sold for £80
Lot 46 - British History.- Substance on the Report...
Lot 47 - Brownlow (Lina) Weary, Bleary and Forty Winks,...
Lot 48 - Budé (Guillaume) De asse et partibus eius...
Lot 49 - Burney (Frances) Camilla: or, A Picture of...
Lot 50 - Caricatures.- A collection of engraved...
Sold for £350
Lot 51 - Caruso (Enrico) A large collection of...
Lot 52 - Cellarius (Christoph) Geographia antiqua …...
Lot 53 - Chandler (Raymond) The Long Good-Bye, rubbed &...
Lot 54 - Children’s Illustrated.- Bennett (Charles H,...
Lot 55 - Chinese Illustrations.- A group of 6 Cantonese...
Lot 56 - Churchill (Winston Spencer) The River War, 2...
Sold for £600
Lot 57 - Churchill (Winston Spencer) Lord Randolph...
Sold for £75
Lot 58 - Collection of Indentures.- Indenture in the...
Lot 59 - Collection of Indentures.- A large collection...
Lot 60 - Collection of silk 'handkerchiefs' 3...
Sold for £15
Lot 60 A - Corvinus Press.- Findlay (Richard) Honour, ...
Lot 61 - Cowles (Fleur).- Sullivan (E.J.) Claudio...
Lot 62 - Crane (Walter, illustrator) Spencer’s Faerie...
Lot 63 - Curtius Rufus (Quintus) The History of the...
Lot 64 - Czech Prayer Book [Rajska Ruže], manuscript on...
Lot 65 - D’Amerval (Éloy) La Grande Diablerie, Poème du...
Lot 66 - Desarces (Henri) Grande Encyclopédie Pratique...
Sold for £20
Lot 67 - Dickens (Charles) A collection of 18 titles,...
Lot 68 - Dictionaries & Lexicographies.- Watt (Robert)...
Lot 69 - Domesday Books.- Great Domesday Book,...
Sold for £500
Lot 70 - Donleavy (J.P.) The Ginger Man, FIRST EDITION,...
Sold for £300
Lot 71 - Dropmore Press.- Cubbin (Thomas) The Wreck of...
Lot 72 - Dulac (Edmund) The Queen of Romania, The...
Lot 73 - Dumas (Alexandre) Œuvres de Alexandre Dumas;...
Lot 74 - Dürer (Albrecht) Flagellation of Christ...
Estimated at £500 - £700
Lot 75 - Eliot (George) Scenes of Clerical Life, 2 vols....
Lot 76 - Engravings.- A large quantity of prints,...
Lot 77 - Engravings:- Munster (Sebastian) Cosmographia,...
Lot 77A - Erotic Art.- Van Maele (Martin), attributed to...
Lot 78 - Fauna.- Buffon (Georges Louis Leclerc, comte...
Lot 79 - Firth (Francis) Sepia photograph of Wady...
Lot 80 - Folkard (Charles) The Adventures of Teddy Tail...
Lot 81 - Forain (J.L.) La Vie, colour and black and...
Lot 82 - Fovilles de Pompei. Monuments Choisis 18...
Lot 83 - Fox Hunting.- Fuller (S. & J.) Set of 6 only,...
Lot 84 - French Architecture.- Contet (F) et al., Les...
Lot 85 - French Bindings.- Grimm (Friedrich Melchoir) &...
Sold for £200
Lot 86 - Fronth (Per) Xingu Chronicles, the portfolio,...
Sold for £210
Lot 87 - General References.- Martin (Susan M.) Palm...
Lot 88 - German Bindings.- Scheffels (J.B. von) Werkes…,...
Lot 89 - Gill (Eric, illustrator).- Engraved print of...
Sold for £260
Lot 90 - H[owlett] (R[obert]) The Angler s Sure Guide:...
Sold for £48
Lot 91 - Haeften (Benedictus van) Schola Cordis,...
Lot 92 - Hogarth (William).- A collection of engravings,...
Lot 93 - Hope (Thomas) Household Furniture and Interior...