Price and date
Books & Manuscripts (386)
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Lot 1 - CLOCKS - Antoine THIOUT, the elder Traite de...
Sold for £300
Includes Buyer's Premium
Lot 2 - MINERALOGY - Rene Just HAUY Traite de...
Sold for £880
Lot 3 - GRATAROLI, Gulielmo ([?]1516-[?]68). Artium &...
Lot 4 - METEORS - Francesco de VIERI (1524-91). ...
Sold for £200
Lot 5 - CALENDARS - Hugolino MARTELLI (1519-92). La...
Sold for £360
Lot 6 - [RAVAILLAC, Francois (1578-1610, committer of...
Lot 7 - BOOKS ABOUT BOOKS - Jacopo MORELLI (1745-1819)....
Sold for £240
Lot 8 - ELECTRICITY - [Giuseppe TOALDO (1719-97)]. ...
Sold for £260
Sold for £600
Lot 10 - EARTHQUAKES - Michele AUGUSTI. Dei Terremoti...
Estimated at £150 - £200
Lot 11 - Rapporto della Commissione di Commercio al...
Sold for £20
Lot 12 - SURVEYING - Angelo Maria CENERI L' Uso dello...
Sold for £280
Lot 13 - ASTRONOMY - Giuseppe CALANDRELLI (1749-1827) &...
Lot 14 - THE SUN - Giacinto ALBINI. Gli Azimut del...
Sold for £160
Lot 15 - JUPITER'S "RED SPOT" - Eustachio DIVINI. ...
Sold for £1,400
Lot 16 - SPALLANZANI, Lazzaro Dissertazioni di Fisica...
Sold for £550
Lot 17 - GALLAEUS, Servatius ([?]1627-1709). ...
Sold for £140
Lot 18 - THE OCCULT - Louis-Alphonse CAHAGNET (1805-85)....
Sold for £50
Lot 19 - ASTROLOGY - Antonio MIZAULD (1510-78)....
Estimated at £300 - £400
Lot 20 - Giraldi (Francesco Maria) Campagna Militare...
Lot 20 - GIRALDI, Francesco Maria (d. c.1612). Campagna...
Lot 21 - INSOMNIA & ITS REMEDIES - Joannes Fridericus...
Sold for £70
Lot 22 - METEOROLOGY– Lettere Fisico-Meteorologiche de’...
Sold for £130
Lot 23 - BONIFACCIO, Giovanni L’ Arte de Cenni con la...
Sold for £150
Lot 24 - MATHEMATICS – M. Montucla. Histoire des...
Sold for £460
Lot 300 - Adam (Robert) Ruins of the Palace of the...
Sold for £4,000
Lot 301 - Aesop.- [Fabulae], 61 woodcut text...
Lot 302 - Aquinas (Thomas, Saint)...
Sold for £1,200
Lot 303 - Barrios (Miguel de) Las Poésias Famosas, FIRST...
Sold for £800
Lot 304 - Bateson (Edward) A History of Northumberland,...
Sold for £100
Lot 305 - Bath & West of England Society.- Letters and...
Lot 306 - Bible, English The Holy Bible, 2 parts in 1,...
Sold for £750
Lot 307 - Bible, English The Byble in Englyshe of the...
Sold for £15,000
Lot 308 - Bible, English...
Sold for £1,300
Lot 309 - Bible, English.- [Breeches Bible] Bible that...
Sold for £440
Lot 310 - Bindings.- French History Tableau de la...
Sold for £480
Lot 311 - Bindings.- Sharpe (John, Archbishop of York)...
Lot 312 - Bindings, French Literature.- Pascal (Blaise)...
Lot 313 - Bindings, Academic Journals.- Micali...
Sold for £120
Lot 314 - Bindings.- Classics Plautus (Titus Maccius) &...
Lot 315 - Blair (Rev. John) Chronology and History of...
Sold for £420
Lot 316 - Bodoni.- Rochefoucauld (François, Duc de la)...
Sold for £180
Lot 317 - Boileau (Nicolas) Oeuvres de Boileau Despréaux,...
Lot 318 - Book of Common Prayer.- The Book of Common...
Lot 319 - Book of Hours.- Calendar, Penitential Psalms,...
Sold for £1,700
Lot 320 - Bourdot de Richebourg (Charles A.)...
Sold for £110
Lot 321 - Brontë Collection.- [Brontë (Charlotte, Emily...
Sold for £1,100
Lot 322 - [Browne (Sir Thomas)] Religio Medici, second...
Estimated at £1,000 - £1,500
Lot 323 - Browning (Robert) The Poetical Works, 17 vol.,...
Sold for £250
Lot 324 - [Burney (Frances)] Cecilia, or Memoirs of an...
Lot 325 - Byron (George Gordon Noel, Lord) Poems,...
Sold for £380
Lot 326 - Byron (Lord George) Collection of Poems, 3 vol....
Sold for £290
Lot 327 - Carroll (Lewis) [Charles Lutwidge Dodgson].-...
Estimated at £600 - £800
Lot 328 - Charron (Pierre) De La Sagesse Trois Livres,...
Sold for £350
Lot 329 - [Chatterton (Thomas)] Poems, supposed to have...
Sold for £80
Lot 330 - Classics.- Cassiodorus (M. Aurelius) Opera...
Sold for £320
Lot 331 - Classics.- Velleius Paterculus (C.) Historae...
Lot 332 - Coleridge (Samuel Taylor) Poems on Various...
Lot 333 - Collection of D'Artois.- 24 vol. only, of 29,...
Estimated at £400 - £600
Lot 334 - Collins (Wilkie) No Name, 3 vol.,...
Lot 335 - D'Annunzio (Gabriele) L'Innocente, third...
Lot 336 - Dickens (Charles) Little Dorrit, FIRST EDITION,...
Lot 337 - Dickens (Charles) The Personal History,...
Lot 338 - Domesday Book.- [Domesday Book, seu Liber...
Lot 339 - Donne (John) Biathantos [first word in...
Sold for £1,800
Lot 340 - Duns Scotus (John) Questiones Utiles...
Lot 341 - Durante da Gualdo (Castore)...
Lot 342 - Eliot Collection.- Eliot (George) Daniel...
Sold for £2,200
Lot 343 - Embroidered Bindings.- The Holy...
Lot 344 - English Embroidered Binding.- The Psalmes of...
Lot 345 - English History.- Macpherson (James) Critical...
Lot 346 - English Restoration Binding.- Whole Booke of...
Lot 347 - Erotica.- [Chorier (Nicolas, pseud. Meursius,...
Sold for £90
Lot 348 - Estella (Diego de) In Sacrosanctum Iesu...
Lot 349 - Ferguson (James) Select Mechanical Exercises:...
Sold for £500
Lot 350 - Fete –Book.- Farfán (Fernando de la Torre)...
Sold for £900
Lot 351 - Fete Book.- [Venuti (Niccolo Marcello) Esequie...
Lot 351A - [Fitzgerald (Edward, trans.) The Rubaiyat of...
Sold for £14,000
Lot 352 - French Literature.- Rousseau (Jean Jacques)...
Lot 353 - G[uiber (A. L. de)] Les Sympathies, ou L’Art...
Lot 354 - Gellius (Aulus) Noctium Atticarum Libri...
Sold for £400
Lot 355 - Gemology.- Fladung (J.A.F.) Edelstein-Kunde,...
Lot 356 - Godwin (William) Mandeville, A Tale of the...
Lot 357 - [Goldsmith (Oliver)] The Vicar of Wakefield: A...
Lot 358 - [Gray (Thomas)] An Elegy wrote in a Country...
Sold for £7,500
Lot 359 - Grose (Francis) The Antiquities of England and...