Lot 2 - Benigni (Fortunato) Lettera sugli scavi fatti nel circondario dell'antica Treja
Lot 3 - Berquin (Arnaud) Bibliotheque des enfans, 28 vols. in 15, 1796
Lot 4 - Dante con l'espositione di Christoforo Landino, Venice, 1564
Lot 5 - de Voragine (Jacobus) Twelve leaves from the The Golden Legend [Legenda aurea], [1527]
Lot 8 - Goethe. Werke. First 'Pocket Ed.'. Stuttgart and Tübingen, 1828 – 1842.
Lot 10 - Hrabanus Maurus, Commentaria in Hieremiam, Basel, 1534
Lot 11 - Paine. Die Rechte des Menschen & Politik und Gesetzgebung 1793, 1794
Lot 13 - Savigny. Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft. Heidelberg, 1814
Lot 14 - Vesalius. Anatomia Viri in hoc Genere Princip. 1617
Lot 25 - Illuminated Miniature of St. Erasmus, Southern Germany c. 1470
Lot 29 - Missale ad usum insignis ecclesie Sarisburiensus, 1557
Lot 30 - Religion: Hooker (Richard) and others, including signature of Cardinal Manning
Lot 31 - Santi Bartoli, Pietro and Giovanni Pietro Bellori, 1680-88
Lot 33 - Theology: Fox. Gospel-Truth Demonstrated, in a collection of doctrinal books & others
Lot 35 - Darwin. The Descent of Man, in Yiddish. 1921
Lot 36 - Fraser (John Foster) The Conquering Jew, First edition, publisher's presentation copy, 1915
Lot 40 - Martinez/Udall. The Key of the Holy Tongue. Amsterdam, 1645
Lot 43 - Palestine - White Papers, 3582 & 3692, 1930
Lot 44 - Royalty. Sermon Delivered at The Coronation Service, Calcutta, 1937
Lot 51 - Political ephemera: War crimes, Communism, Nuclear disarmament
Lot 52 - Portraits of Curious Characters in London
Lot 54 - Siege of Sidney Street: The Battle with the London Anarchists
Lot 58 - Law and government, A collection of seven titles, including: [Lee (Arthur)]
Lot 59 - Trade, A collection of ten titles, including: [Smith (Charles)]
Lot 60 - Clemenceau. Important collection of 81 letters to Admiral Frederick Maxse
Lot 62 - Early Financial History. Clayton & Morris. Chq's etc [1660-80]
Lot 66 - Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya To Diamont [Re. Lenin] 1914
Lot 67 - Napoleon I - ‘Comptabilite 1810.’ Marriage to Marie Louise of Austria 1810
Lot 68 - Napoleon I. Als' relating to Napoleon’s captivity on St. Helena. 1807-40
Lot 69 - Napoleon I. Annotated list of nominations for the Legion d'honneur. 1811
Lot 72 - Slavery in South Africa. Archive of letters and documents. 1816-38
Lot 75 - Military: Butler (Lieutenant-Colonel Lewis) & Hare (Major-General Sir Steuart)
Lot 77 - Cellarius (Andreas) Corporum Coelestium Magnitudines, First edition, 1660
Lot 78 - Tirion. Nieuwe en Beknopte Hand-Atlas, 1744
Lot 80 - French topography and maps: Carte pour Cyclistes & Automobiles
Lot 81 - Kip (Johannes) after, A Prospect of the City of London, 1903
Lot 90 - de Moleville (Bertrand) The Costume of the Hereditary States of the House of Austria
Lot 91 - Todleben (Eduard Ivanovich, Lieut.-General.) Défense de Sebastopol, Atlas vols., 1863
Lot 92 - Works on paper, miscellaneous: Payne (William)
Lot 93 - Afghanistan. Sahibdad Abdulla – Photographer. Kabul, [1919-33]
Lot 94 - Krohn. Yrjo Aukusti Wallin ja hänen matkansa Arabiska 1880
Lot 96 - Wallins. Första Resa fran Cairo till Arabiska Öknen i April 1845. Fragment, first ed. 1853