Price and date
Books & Manuscripts (386)
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Lot 454 - Calendars.- [Il Calendario Gregoriano...
Sold for £200
Includes Buyer's Premium
Lot 455 - Cardanus (Hieronymous)...
Sold for £340
Lot 456 - Carvalho da Costa (Antonio) Tratado...
Sold for £380
Lot 457 - Castro (Alfonso de) De Iusta Hereticorum...
Lot 458 - [Cavalieri (Bonaventura)] or Filomantio...
Sold for £600
Lot 459 - Celestial Sphere.- Nale (Nicolo di) Dialogo...
Sold for £1,000
Lot 460 - Chemistry.- Lavoisier & others Méthode de...
Sold for £360
Lot 461 - Chemistry.- Rolfink (Werner) Chimia in Artis...
Sold for £550
Lot 462 - Chinese Paintings.- A group of 6 Cantonese...
Estimated at £400 - £600
Lot 463 - Chronology.- Mengoli (Pietro) Anno, FIRST...
Sold for £850
Lot 464 - Cicogna (Strozzi) & Ens (Gaspar, transl.)...
Sold for £650
Lot 465 - Clocks.- Thiout (Antoine), the elder Traité...
Sold for £300
Lot 466 - Comets.- De Collibus (Carolus Octavianus)...
Sold for £950
Lot 467 - Comets.- Montanari (Geminiano)...
Lot 468 - Comte (Auguste) Système de Politique Positive,...
Sold for £100
Lot 469 - Cosmography.- Capridoni (Bonaventura)...
Lot 470 - Cosmography.- Mercator (Nicolaus)...
Sold for £750
Lot 471 - Cosmography.- Delfini (Giovanni Antonio) De...
Lot 472 - Cosmological Literature.- Du Bartas (Guillaume...
Sold for £240
Lot 473 - Courtivron (M.) Bouchu (M.) Art Des Forges et...
Sold for £125
Lot 474 - Criminal Law.- Parte Presa nell'Eccelso...
Sold for £250
Lot 475 - Croll (Osvald) Basilica Chymica…, 3 parts in...
Lot 476 - Curiosa.- [Lando (Ortensio)] Commentario delle...
Lot 477 - Curiosities.- Witkowski (G. & J.) Teloniana....
Estimated at £100 - £150
Lot 478 - D’Amerval (Éloy) La Grande Diablerie, Poème du...
Estimated at £300 - £400
Lot 479 - Dal Molin Ferenzona (Raoul, painter) Vita di...
Sold for £70
Lot 480 - Dance of Death.- Drexelius (Heremias)...
Sold for £280
Lot 481 - Dance of Death.- Merian (Matthieu) La Danse...
Lot 482 - Danti (Ignatio) & Proclus Annotazioni Intorno...
Lot 483 - De Vieri (Francesco) Trattato ... nel quale si...
Lot 484 - Demonology.- Histoire Horrible et...
Lot 485 - Demonology.- Pott (Johanne Henrico) Nefando...
Lot 486 - Demonology.- Boguet (Henry) Discours des...
Sold for £1,600
Lot 487 - Demonology.- Thyraeus (Petrus) Loca infesta,...
Lot 488 - Denores (Giasone) & Gabriele (Trifon) Tavole...
Sold for £460
Lot 489 - [Diderot (Denis) & D’Alembert (Jean)] Recueil...
Sold for £110
Lot 490 - Distillation.- Dejean (M.) Traité Raisonné de...
Estimated at £150 - £200
Lot 491 - Divination.- Tasgresti [= Grassetti] (Giovanni...
Sold for £220
Lot 492 - Duelling.- Maffei (Marchese Scipione) Della...
Lot 493 - Earthquakes. - Augusti (Michele) Dei Terremoti...
Lot 494 - Earthquakes.- Bonito (Marcello) Terra Tremante...
Sold for £190
Lot 495 - Eastern Zodiac.- Hager (Josef) Illustrazione...
Lot 496 - Eclipse.- Secchi (Angelo) L’Unità delle Forze...
Lot 497 - Electricity.- [Toaldo (Giuseppe)] Del...
Sold for £260
Lot 498 - Encomiastic Literature.- Seven encomiastic...
Lot 499 - Erotic Art.- Van Maele (Martin), attributed to...
Estimated at £200 - £300
Lot 500 - Erotic Art.- An album featuring seven...
Sold for £320
Lot 501 - Erotica.- [Dorat (Claude Joseph)] Les Baisers...
Sold for £65
Lot 502 - Erotica.- [Famin (Cesar)] Musée Royal De...
Lot 503 - Euclid & Clavius (Christopher, edit.)...
Lot 504 - Fairy Tales.- Perrault (Charles) Histoires ou...
Sold for £2,000
Lot 505 - Figatelli (Giuseppe Maria) Retta Linea...
Lot 506 - Finé (Oronce) De Mundi Sphaera Conscripsis...
Sold for £700
Lot 507 - Finé (Oronce) De Solaribus Horologiis et...
Lot 508 - [Fiorentino (Matteo)]...
Lot 509 - Firmicus Maternus (Iulius) Astronomicōn libri...
Sold for £170
Lot 510 - Flemish Binding.- Macrobius (Ambrosius) In...
Sold for £400
Lot 511 - Flittner (Johann, transl.) Nebulo Nebulonum...
Lot 512 - Food & Science.- Dalla Bona (Giovanni)...
Sold for £120
Lot 513 - Fore-edge Paintings.- Goldsmith (Oliver) The...
Lot 514 - Fracastoro (Girolamo) Opera Omnia…, second...
Lot 515 - French Literature.- Brantome (Pierre de...
Sold for £90
Lot 516 - [Frisi (Paolo)] Cosmographiae Physicae, et...
Lot 517 - Gallaeus (Servatius) Dissertationes de...
Sold for £140
Lot 518 - Gallonio (Antonio) De SS. Martyrum...
Lot 519 - Games.- [(Bargagli) Girolamo] Dialogo de'...
Lot 520 - Games.- [Benfield] Nuovo e Dilettevole Giuoco...
Sold for £150
Lot 521 - Garimberto (Girolamo) Della Fortuna Libri Sei,...
Lot 522 - Garmann (Christian Friedrich) De Miraculis...
Lot 523 - Geography.- Formaleoni (Vincenzo) Dei Fonti...
Lot 524 - Geometry & Surveying.- Ozanam (Jacques) Usage...
Lot 525 - Geometry.- Viviani (Vincenzo) Quinto libro...
Sold for £1,500
Lot 526 - German Binding.- Barry (Paul de) Heiliges Jahr:...
Lot 527 - German Binding.- Sanminiati (Ugo) Praecipua...
Lot 528 - Giovanni (Stefano di) Nuova Teoria delle Linee...
Sold for £30
Lot 529 - Giraldi (Francesco Maria) Campagna Militare...
Lot 530 - Grandi (Guido) Instituzioni Meccaniche, title...
Lot 531 - Grataroli (Guglielmo) Opuscula, Videlicet: de...
Lot 532 - Grazioli (Andrea) Discorso di Peste, FIRST and...
Lot 533 - Haen (Antonius de) De Magia Liber, FIRST...
Lot 534 - History.- Funck (Johann) Chronologia, hoc est...
Lot 535 - Horology.- Holwell (John) & Hall (Francis)...
Lot 536 - Horology.- Hume (James) Méthode Universelle…...
Lot 537 - Horology.- Quadri (Giorgio Lodovico) Tavole...
Lot 538 - Horology.- Penther (Johann Friedrich)...
Lot 539 - Imperiali (Giovanni) Pestis Anni 1630....
Lot 540 - Inquisition & Heresy.- [Sarpi (Paolo)]...
Lot 541 - Inquisition & Witchcraft.- Dellon (Charles)...
Lot 542 - Inquisition.- Della Punizione degli Eretici e...
Lot 543 - Insomnia.- Matenesius (Joannes Fridericus) ...
Lot 544 - Italian Art.- Magrini (Antonio) Memorie...
Sold for £50
Lot 545 - Italian Literature.- Grassetti (Ippolito)...
Sold for £130
Lot 546 - Jupiter's Red Spot.- Divini (Eustachio)...
Sold for £1,400
Lot 547 - Kircher (Athanasius) Primitiae Gnomonicae...
Lot 548 - Lambert, P. Les Initiations Modernes avec un...
Lot 549 - Language.- Corte (Giuseppe) Methodo et...
Sold for £40