Price and date
Books & Manuscripts (386)
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Lot 360 - Hebraica.- Maimonides (Mosis R.) & Vossius...
Sold for £950
Includes Buyer's Premium
Lot 361 - [Helvetius (Jacques Moutaux)] De...
Estimated at £400 - £600
Lot 362 - Henry Fielding Collection.- The History of the...
Sold for £700
Lot 363 - Heraldry.- [Wilford (John, compiler) Memorials...
Sold for £90
Lot 364 - Herbert (Edward of Cherbury) The Life and...
Sold for £60
Lot 365 - Hoare (Richard Colt) The History of Modern...
Sold for £100
Lot 366 - Hoare (Sir Richard Colt) The History of...
Sold for £110
Lot 367 - Italian Literature.- Metastasio (Pietro)...
Lot 368 - Italian Literature.-Tasso (Torquato) La...
Sold for £140
Lot 369 - [Johnson (Samuel)] The Lives of the Most...
Lot 370 - [Lamb (Charles)] Elia, Essays which Have...
Sold for £160
Lot 371 - Le Sage (M.A.) Atlas Historique, Chronologique,...
Sold for £125
Lot 372 - MacLaurin (Colin) A Treatise of Fluxions, 2...
Estimated at £1,200 - £1,500
Lot 373 - Maitland (William) The History of Edinburgh,...
Sold for £200
Lot 373A - Marryat (Frederick) Masterman Ready, or, the...
Estimated at £200 - £300
Lot 374 - Marvell (Andrew) Miscellaneous Poems, FIRST...
Estimated at £6,000 - £8,000
Lot 375 - Meredith (George) Diana of the Crossways, 3...
Lot 376 - Milton (John) Poems, &c. upon Several...
Sold for £1,400
Lot 377 - Milton (John) Paradise Lost, a Poem, edited by...
Sold for £360
Lot 378 - Milton (John) The Poetical Works, including...
Sold for £440
Lot 379 - Montaigne (Michel Eyquem, Sieur de) Les...
Lot 380 - Muller (John) A Treatise Containing the...
Sold for £600
Lot 381 - Music.- Repertoire A Collection of music...
Sold for £340
Lot 382 - [Newton (Sir Isaac)] Universal Arithmetick: or,...
Sold for £650
Lot 383 - Nicholson (William) An Alphabet, 26 mezzotint...
Lot 384 - Ovid Metamorphosis Englished, Mythologiz'd,...
Sold for £460
Lot 385 - [Penny (Edward) After] The Death of General...
Sold for £260
Lot 386 - Porta (Giovanni Battista, della)...
Lot 387 - Radcliffe (Anne) The Mysteries of Udolpho, A...
Sold for £2,400
Lot 388 - Rapin de Thoyras [(Paul)] The History of...
Sold for £50
Lot 389 - Reformation.- Harmonia Confessionum Fidei,...
Sold for £220
Lot 390 - Reinzer (Franz) & Caelestin (Johannes)...
Lot 391 - Religion.- Canonical Law & Sermons - 4 works...
Sold for £850
Lot 392 - Religion.- Ignatius (Saint) & Pearson (John,...
Sold for £170
Lot 393 - [Richardson (Samuel)] The History of Sir...
Lot 394 - Roscoe (William) The Life of Lorenzo de'...
Lot 395 - Roscoe (William) The Life of Lorenzo De’...
Lot 396 - Schedel (Hartmann) Liber Cronicarum, second...
Sold for £4,500
Lot 397 - Scott (Walter) Marmion; A Tale of Flodden...
Sold for £300
Lot 398 - Scott (Walter).- The Works, 48 vol., engraved...
Lot 399 - Shaw (George Bernard) The Works of Bernard...
Lot 400 - Shelley (Percy Bysshe) Rosalind and Helen, a...
Lot 401 - Shelley (Percy Bysshe) Letters… to J. H....
Estimated at £2,000 - £3,000
Lot 402 - Silver Metal Binding.- Chanut (Martial, Abbot)...
Sold for £3,000
Lot 403 - Speed (John) The History...
Lot 404 - [Sterne (Laurence)] A Sentimental Journey...
Sold for £500
Lot 405 - Tennyson (Alfred, Lord) Poems, chiefly Lyrical,...
Sold for £900
Lot 406 - [Thackeray (William Makepeace)] 'Mr. Titmarsh'...
Lot 407 - Thackeray (William Makepeace) The Works, 24...
Lot 408 - Theatre.- Geoffroy (Feuilleton de) Cours de...
Lot 409 - Tracts.- Clarendon (Edward, Earl of) A...
Sold for £180
Lot 410 - Travel.- Willis (Browne) An History of the...
Sold for £320
Lot 411 - Trollope (Anthony) The Warden, FIRST EDITION,...
Lot 412 - Walpole (Horace) Anecdotes of Painting in...
Sold for £190
Lot 413 - Walton (Izaak) The Lives of Dr. John Donne,...
Estimated at £300 - £400
Lot 414 - Warsevicius (Christopher) De Legato et...
Sold for £70
Lot 415 - [Wolcot (John)], 'Peter Pindar' [A Poetical,...
Estimated at £300 - £350
Lot 416 - Woodhouse (Robert) An Elementary Treatise on...
Sold for £150
Lot 417 - [Wordsworth (William) & Samuel Taylor...
Lot 418 - Zanetti (Giuseppe) Studi...
Lot 419 - Zeno (Apostolo) Poesie Sacre Drammatiche,...
Sold for £20
Lot 420 - Alembert (Jean le Rond d') Traité de...
Lot 421 - Alpini (Prospero) & Bondt (Jakob de) De...
Lot 422 - Anania D’ (Giovanni Lorenzo) L’Universale...
Lot 423 - Anatomical Manikins.- Spratt (G.) Obstetric...
Sold for £400
Lot 424 - Anatomy.- Browne (Joanne) & Spener (Christian...
Lot 424A - Anorexia.- Porzio (Simone) & Gelli...
Lot 425 - Antiquities.- Alessandri (Alessandro)...
Sold for £130
Lot 426 - Antiquity.- Viola (Pietro) De Veteri, Novaque...
Lot 427 - Architecture.- Schott (Gaspar) Mathesis...
Sold for £480
Lot 428 - Astrology.- Buongiovane (Silvio) Scherzi...
Lot 429 - Astrology.- Mizauld (Antonio) Harmonia...
Lot 430 - Astronomical Quadrant Binding.- Vlacq...
Sold for £1,850
Lot 431 - Astronomy & Meteorology.- Moro (Anton Lazzaro)...
Lot 432 - Astronomy, General.- Dicquemare (Jacques...
Lot 433 - Astronomy.- Bartholin (Caspar) Astrologia seu...
Lot 434 - Astronomy.- Calandrelli (Giuseppe) & Conti...
Lot 435 - Astronomy.- Passerone (Ludovico) La Sfera...
Sold for £380
Lot 436 - Astronomy.- Giglio Cretense Il Firmamento...
Lot 437 - Astronomy.- Guigues (Marco Antonio) La Sfera...
Sold for £800
Lot 438 - Astronomy.- Lalande (Jérome de) Compendio...
Lot 439 - Beltrame Family.- [Delle Torre (Lorenzo)]...
Lot 440 - Bible, Italian La Sacra Bibbia, Tradotta In...
Lot 441 - Bibliography.- Morelli (Jacopo) Della Pubblica...
Sold for £240
Lot 442 - Bion [(Nicholas)] L’Usage des Globes Celeste...
Lot 443 - Blaeu (Willem) Institutio Astronomica de Usu...
Lot 444 - Böckler (Georg Andreas)...
Lot 445 - Boncompagni Binding.- Magini (Giovanni...
Lot 446 - Bonifacio (Giovanni) L’ Arte de’ Cenni con la...
Lot 447 - Book Design.- A scrap album containing...
Lot 448 - Bookplates.- A large collection of book plates,...
Lot 449 - Bouguer (Pierre) Nouveau Traité de Navigation,...
Lot 450 - Bussatti (Marco) Regola per la quale...
Sold for £210
Lot 451 - Calendar.- Martelli (Ugolino) La Chiave del...
Lot 452 - Calendar.- Clavius (Christophorus) Josephi...
Lot 453 - Calendars.- Manfredi (Michele) Vindiciae...