Lot 6 - A George I sterling silver cream jug, London 1726 by John Gorsuch (reg. 6th April 1726)
Lot 7 - A pair of George III sterling silver salts with liners, London 1813 by William Burwash
Lot 8 - A large George III sterling silver salver, London 1814 by William Burwash
Lot 9 - A George III sterling silver tea urn, London 1817 by William Burwash
Lot 16 - An interesting matched pair of George III sterling silver trencher salts
Lot 19 - A George III sterling silver teapot, London 1806 by Robert Garrard I (reg. 11th Aug 1802)
Lot 21 - A Victorian sterling silver teapot, London 1869 by Robert Garrard II (reg. 16th April 1818)
Lot 24 - A pair of Edward VIII sterling silver salts, London 1936 by Sebastian Garrard
Lot 25 - A George V sterling silver gilt eight-piece cruet, London 1911 by Sebastion Garrard
Lot 26 - A George V sterling silver gilt inkwell, London 1919 by Sebastion Garrard
Lot 34 - A George I Britannia standard silver table fork, London 1724 by William Scarlett
Lot 37 - A mixed group of George I – George III sterling silver table forks
Lot 38 - A Queen Anne Britannia standard silver child’s spoon, London 1705 maker's mark obscured
Lot 43 - A pair of George I dessert spoons, London 1724 maker’s mark obscured
Lot 44 - A group of three Queen Anne – George I Britannia standard silver tablespoons
Lot 47 - A George III sterling silver basting spoon, London 1761 by Paul Callard (reg. 8th Jan 1752)
Lot 48 - A group of George II stelring silver flatware by Isaac Callard (reg. 7th Feb 1726)
Lot 51 - A mixed group of George II - George III sterling silver dessert spoons
Lot 56 - A set of five George III sterling silver gilt salt spoons, London 1819 by William Chawner
Lot 57 - A matched group of seven George II - Victorian Irish sterling silver dessert spoons
Lot 58 - A George III sterling silver basting spoon, London 1817 by John and Henry Lias
Lot 66 - A mixed group of George III - Victorian sterling silver flatware four teaspoons
Lot 75 - A mid-18th century German silver candlestick, town marked obscured circa 1750
Lot 80 - A pair of late 20th century Portuguese sterling silver candlesticks, Lisbon circa 1990
Lot 83 - A pair of William IV sterling silver salts, London 1831 by James Charles Edington
Lot 92 - A George V sterling silver bullet teapot, London 1933 by Asprey and Co
Lot 93 - An Elizabeth II sterling silver teapot, London 1972 by Asprey and Co
Lot 94 - An Edwardian sterling silver coffee pot, London 1905 by Henry Lambert
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