29th Mar, 2023 13:00
PETER LAYTON (CZECH-BRITISH b.1937) LONDON GLASSBLOWING: A contemporary studio glass vase, of compressed bottle form, with iridescent decoration over a moss green ground.
15cm high
Notes: Peter Layton, born in Prague and bought up in England, originally trained in ceramics at the Central School of Art and Design in London. But the discovery of hot glass whilst teaching ceramics at the University of Iowa took him down a different creative path. He was inspired by the immediacy of this engaging yet elusive medium, and as much by the demanding process as the magical qualities of the material.
Peter has been continuously at the forefront in promoting this magical and versatile medium and established London Glassblowing in 1976 showcasing the work of exceptional glass artists. More recently he has formed Peter Layton and Associates Limited enabling him to work on a more ambitious scale combining stainless steel and glass as commissioned sculptures for architectural settings.
Sold for £125
Includes Buyer's Premium
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