19th May, 2023 13:00
Qing Dynasty, Kangxi Period
清康熙 三彩小盤
With shallow rounded sides rising from a tapered foot to a wide, flared rim, decorated with irregular splashes of egg-yellow, aubergine and green, the base unglazed,
11.4cm diameter
Property of a French Private Collection formed in Hong Kong during the 1960’s-1980’s
Note: The egg-yellow, green and aubergine-coloured splashes that decorate this dish are a homage to earlier sancai (‘three-colour’) wares of the Tang Dynasty (617-908 A.D), where they arguably reached their zenith. During the rule of the Kangxi emperor (r.1661-1722) there was much innovation in the fields of ceramic production and decoration, with new porcelain works created that paid homage to the illustrious dynasties of China’s past.
c.f. A comparable dish of the same size was offered at Bonhams Knightsbridge, 8th September 2010, lot 129. A larger dish was offered at Christie's South Kensington, 4th March 2007, lot 261.
Sold for £625
Includes Buyer's Premium
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