31st Jul, 2020 15:00
Autograph Collection.- Authors & Musicians
A collection of signatures by authors, composers, actors and other 19th century figures, including: an autograph album containing the signatures of Jack French,J. Helen Ried, Evelyn Oppenheim, H. Jacobs, Irene Oppenhiem, Cliff Barloe, John J. Butterworth,A Hartley, Beatrice Lindly, Edith Rikolf, Maud L. Waterman, Glaadys Webster, Thomas Sherwood, Edwin Jonsiffe, Harry Bliss, Lewis T. Shirwood,Grace Beuzenville-Foyster, H. Ashley Willats, Bernardo Bagliom, Harry J. Bond, Harvey Solomon, G. W. Bayly, C. Hayden-Coffin, J. S. Clarke, William H. Honor, numerous ink and water colour drawings, some pasted; with a large collection of letters and clipped signatures, including some from Betty dela Pasture, Elizabeth Philipson-Stow, RVH Roseveare,Gordon Wilkinson, Lady Barker, Earl of Lichfield,Chauncey A. Goodich, William Sivilar, J. Bernard Beere, Lucy Dugff Gordon and others (quantity)
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