17th May, 2024 10:00

Asian Art I 亞洲藝術 I
Lot 25

清十八世紀 壽山石清廷人物像兩件


Qing Dynasty, 18th Century

清十八世紀 壽山石清廷人物像兩件

The two large figures of impressive scale, one depicting a mandarin official, wearing official robes and clearly displaying his rank badge of a crane, buzi, made for a first rank civil official, the badge is worked with a crane perched on one leg standing on top of a rock emerging from waves; the other figure depicting a court lady, with hair tied netly into a tall bun, wearing flowing robes, both figures with robes decorated with roundels throughout with lotus and scroll decoration, both figures still with traces of polychrome decoration, the underneath of both figures with incised marks to the base,

43.5cm high (each)




From the esteemed Collection of Mr. Basil Ionides and the Hon. Mrs. Nellie Ionides, from the Library at Buxted Park, Sussex;

Thence by descent to Lady Camilla Panufnik née Jessel, (b. December 7, 1937), who married renown symphonic composer, Andrzej Panufnik.



此後家族傳承至米拉·帕努夫尼克 (生於 1937 年 12 月 7 日),其丈夫為著名交響樂團作曲家安傑伊·帕努夫尼克 。


Nellie Ionides, born in July 2, 1883 1883 and passing away on November 15, 1962, was a distinguished English collector, connoisseur, and philanthropist. Renowned for her fervent dedication to preserving cultural heritage, she notably rescued the 18th-century Octagon Room at Orleans House in Twickenham from impending destruction. Furthermore, she generously bequeathed this historical treasure, along with numerous pieces from her extensive art collection, to the local council, now known as the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames. Nellie was the second child and eldest daughter of Sir Marcus Samuel and his wife Fanny (née Benjamin). Her father, Marcus, had notably served as Lord Mayor of London and established the Shell Transport and Trading Company, later evolving into Royal Dutch Shell.

Nellie's passion for art burgeoned from an early age, particularly focusing on Chinese porcelain and 18th-century artworks. This predilection not only shaped her personal identity but also her social standing within the British elite. Eager to share her collections with the public, she actively engaged with prestigious institutions like the Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A), the Royal Academy, and the British Museum, contributing to the enrichment of cultural heritage.

During the 1930s, Nellie aligned herself with influential figures like Sir Philip Sassoon, using her private apartments as exhibition spaces. In addition to her dedication to art preservation and philanthropy, Nellie Ionides was celebrated for her remarkable collection of Kangxi porcelain. Notably, in July 1947, members of the Oriental Ceramic Society were captivated by her and her husband's exquisite array of Chinese porcelain. Her generous donations to esteemed institutions like the V&A Museum, the British Museum, and the Brighton Pavilion further solidified her legacy as a prominent figure in the preservation of cultural treasures.

內莉·艾奧尼德斯(1883年7月2日-1962年11月15日),為一名英國傑出的收藏家、鑑賞家和慈善家。她以對保護文化遺產的熱忱奉獻而聞名。她著名地挽救了位於特威克納姆的奧爾良豪斯的十八世紀八角房間,使其免於即將被摧毀的命運。此外,她慷慨地將這個歷史寶藏以及她廣泛的藝術收藏中的眾多作品遺贈給了當地的議會,即現為倫敦泰晤士河畔列治文區。 內莉內莉是馬庫斯·塞繆爾爵士和其妻子范妮(婚前姓本傑明)的第二個孩子和長女。她的父親馬庫斯曾任倫敦市長,創辦了殼牌運輸和貿易公司,並後來發展成為荷蘭皇家殼牌公司。





Country Life Magazine, 11 August 1950, Buxted Park - II, The home of the Mr. and the Hon. Mrs. Basil Ionides, p. 445

(Photographed in-situ at the Library at Buxted Park)


《鄉村生活雜誌》,1950年8月11日,巴克斯特德公園- II,巴茲爾·艾奧尼德斯先生與尊貴的內莉·艾奧尼德斯閣下的家,第445頁


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