A FINE LATE 19TH CENTURY FRENCH SILVERED AND LACQUERED BRASS AUTOMATA COMPENDIUM IN THE FORM OF A LIGHTHOUSE the silvered rotating upper section with a 2.5 inch silvered Roman clock dial set opposite a conforming aneroid barometer dial, each dial interspersed by a thermometer , one for Centigrade and one for Fahrenheit, rotating atop the brickwork column and stepped base containing the automata mechanism wound at the base of the lighthouse, mounted on a Belgian slate base. with winder, 43cm high. In working order but not fully tested or guaranteed. Auction Comparable: See Bonhams, London, Fine Clocks sale 14 December 2016, lot 6. Related Literature: A similar model can be found in Mystery, Novelty & Fantasy Clocks by Derek Roberts, p.257, Fig. 22-7. Footnote: This clock is notable for the similarity to the example in the Imperial Palace, China.