Cholera.- Autograph letter, from General John Ross to politician George Lamb, reads in part 'I am extremely sorry to state to you the information of Viscount Melbourne, that having for so long a period escaped the attacks of Cholera morbus; it made its appearance here under very alarming symptoms on the 16th instant. The enclosed report will shew the number of cases and deaths to the present day at 10 A. M. Every possible attention is paid to the cleanliness of the town, and the authorities, as well as the medical Gentlemen of the Island are identifiable in their expectations to stop the progress of the disease, and to allay the fears of the people; no expense is spared, and as will be seen by the report, during the last 24 hours no deaths have taken place in the hospital. The deaths are chiefly confined to the poorest part of the town, this I am […] to observe that highly respectable persons have been attacked, and fallen victims to the malady. I shall continue to make my reports regularly by every post for his Lordships information.', signed 'John Ross', 2 pages, mailing folds, ink slightly faded, age related toning, Guernsey, 22nd October 1832.