22nd Apr, 2020 15:00

Islamic & Indian Art
Lot 171

Iran, early 20th century

Iran, early 20th century

All of rectangular shapes, the most prominent engraved with scenes from Nizami's Khosrow o Shirin, the sides with animals in landscapes, the borders of the scenes and the edges of the base skilfully engraved with floral decoration, the interior of the lid stamped 'Amal-e Ja'far', 443gr., 5.5cm x 15.6cm x 7.7cm; one with a slightly domed lid, worked with deer and cows in a landscape, the sides with groups of animals in mille fleur surrounds, 290gr., 4.5cm x 12.3cm x 7.7cm; one heavily worked in scrolling designs, with water fowl in the corners, 220gr., 3cm x 11.7cm x 7.5cm; one with the lid and base finely worked with a courtly dance scene at a royal banquet, 199gr., 2.3cm x 10cm x 7.4cm; and the last one with a music and wine scene around a small empty shield, the edge with lines from Hafez's sonnets 183 and 13 in nasta'liq script, the sides with figures in music making and drinking poses, the base with lobed cartouches, the centre with a songbird in a flowering bush, the base stamped 'farmayesh-e Ebtekar', and with two letters probably from the Armenian alphabet, 188gr., 4cm x 12.4cm x 6.3cm.

Sold for £2,750

Includes Buyer's Premium


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