31st Mar, 2021 11:00

Silver & Objects of Vertu
Lot 170

A large early 20th century Anglo – Indian unmarked silver bowl, Poona circa 1900

A large early 20th century Anglo – Indian unmarked silver bowl, Poona circa 1900

Of rounded form with an embossed central frieze in hunting pattern, depicting three elephants with houda’s filled with people, on e carrying a parasol, a boar colliding with a tiger with a hunter on horseback firing a shot gun, another elephant with houda being attacked by a tiger, various scenes of hunters and tigers as well as a hunter on horseback spearing boar. The frieze between two broad chased borders of Cutch style foliate scrolls. Chased underneath with a makers sigil of a peacock within a circular stylised leaf cartouche.

Height – 20 cm / 7.9 inches

Diameter (approx) – 28.5 cm / 11.25 inches

Weight – 1726 grams / 55.49 ozt

Sold for £1,875

Includes Buyer's Premium


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