11th Nov, 2019 10:00

Fine Chinese Paintings
Lot 15

XU LIANG. Figures. ink and colour on paper, two hanging scroll Chinese paintings. 150 x 39cm. (2). Provenance: London private collection. 徐亮 和靖觀梅圖. 設色紙本 立軸兩幅. 款識:和靖觀楳 時維甲午新秌徐亮海如甫寫. 鈐印:「徐亮之印」. 款識:擬歐易子賦秋聲海如氏脫稿於白下妙相庵. 鈐印:「海如」. *For a full condition report, please contact the department.* *请您联系我们索取品项报告。*

Sold for £450

Includes Buyer's Premium


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