7th Jul, 2021 14:00
Autograph Album.- Olympics, Boxing, Cricket, Football
Autograph album featuring signatures by Olympic and sport champions, including: Ernest Bevin, Denis Compton, William Neale, John Edrich, Tommy Forte, Herbert Sutcliffe, Harry Mallin, Bill Gilbert, Dick Button, Len Harvey, Alf Bottoms, Dick Harris, Megan Taylor, Bill Tilden, Cecilia Colledge, Daphne Walker, Len Shackleton, Albert Stubbins, George Hardwick, Keith Johnson, Neil Harvey, Cyril Brine, Tommy Price, Alfred Bottoms, Charles Mays, Lester Stoefen, Lloyd Goffe, Sam Loxton, athletes from the 1948 London Olympics, including: Bruce Harlan, Margaret Wellington, miscellaneous collection also featuring clipped signatures and photos pasted onto album pages, full leather, 16mo, c. 1937-1950.
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