A Whole Plate Mahogany Studio Camera with Unusual French Anachromatic Brass Lens Movements: double extension, tilting back Body: VG Lens: Objectif Anachromatique, Optique Francaise Ligny Meuse foyer 385mm Optics: VG Notes: An interesting and important rack and pinion, waterhouse stop, soft focussing brass lens. Designed with a pair of symmetrical menisci, it is a faster version of the lens first developed by the partners, Puyo and Pulligny at the turn of the 20th century in France. It was sold by Darlot under the name 'Objectif d'artiste' and was an important tool in the development of the pictorialist movement in fine art photography. The favoured soft focus effect is achieved by chromatic aberration diffusing focus. It's recommended uses are black and white portraiture and still life applications Reference: Les Objectifs d'arliste, by L. de Pulligny and C. Puyo (Paris, 1906