4 4th-7th Royal Dragoon Guards 26mm tunic buttons by Gaunt & Son, 1922 to WW2 16 4th-7th Royal Dragoon Guards 19mm tunic buttons by Gaunt & Son and Pitt & Co, 1922 to WW2 1 4th-7th Royal Dragoon Guards 14mm tunic button, 1922 to WW2 1 5th Dragoon Guards 24mm tunic button, WW1-WW2 1 5th Dragoon Guards collar badge (right side), WW1-WW2 2 25th Dragoons metal collar badges 2 25th Dragoons shoulder titles in brass 1 25th Dragoons embroidered badge (45mm tall) 11 General Service tunic front buttons by Anderson & Sons and Hobson & Sons (25mm), WW1-WW2 6 General Service tunic sleeve buttons by Anderson & Sons (19mm), WW1-WW2 (45)