16th Mar, 2023 11:00
Worldwide and British Travel Guides.- Baedeker, Murray & others
A collection of 240 volumes, including:
Baedeker, 83 volumes; Murray, 72 volumes; Thorough Guides, 20 volumes; Black's, 14 volumes; Meyers Reisebuecher, 5 volumes; Griebens Reisefuehrer, 7 volumes; Miscellaneous, 39 volumes; the majority in original gilt cloth bindings, mixed condition, various sizes.
***Baedeker guides serve as a key motif in E. M. Forster's novel 'A Room with a View' (1908): '"But Miss Lavish has even taken away Baedeker." "Baedeker?" said Mr. Emerson. "I’m glad it’s that you minded. It’s worth minding, the loss of a Baedeker. That’s worth minding."' (p.21)
For a full list and further details on the books in this lot, please see the PDF at this link: Travel Guides List (please note, not including the penultimate item, Steimatzky's)
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